Beskyttet: Invitasjon til ViBes
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VBS Ourodenberg neemt deel aan het Erasmus+-project ViBes voor het schooljaar 2024-25. Het project wordt gecoördineerd door het Nationaal Centrum voor Schrijfonderwijs en Onderzoek aan het lerarenopleidingsprogramma van NTNU. Andere deelnemers zijn DCU (Dublin City University), evenals een basisschool in Noorwegen en een in Ierland.
Als onderdeel van dit project zullen leerlingen in groepen werken om gedurende het schooljaar drie vlogs (videoblogs) te maken en deze uit te wisselen met leerlingen van de andere scholen. Het project heeft verschillende hoofddoelstellingen: het helpen ontwikkelen van de digitale vaardigheden van leerlingen, dienen als interculturele ontmoetingsruimte, en het aanpakken van vragen met betrekking tot identiteit en zelfpresentatie in het vlogformaat. Een ander doel is het opzetten van duurzame samenwerkingen tussen universiteiten en scholen, evenals tussen scholen in verschillende landen.
In verband met dit project zullen bepaalde materialen worden verzameld voor gebruik als documentatie voor het eindrapport van het project. Voorbeelden van dergelijke materialen zijn:
Naast het gebruik van dit materiaal om het Erasmus+-project te documenteren, willen het Schrijfcentrum en zijn partners een deel ervan gebruiken voor outreach op de website van het centrum, in onze sociale mediakanalen, in boeken, artikelen en in projecten waaraan we bijdragen. Het Schrijfcentrum heeft toestemming nodig om het verzamelde materiaal te gebruiken. Toestemming is vrijwillig en kan op elk moment worden ingetrokken. Door te ondertekenen geeft de ondergetekende toestemming dat de leerling deelneemt aan foto-/video-opnamen/tekstproductie en dat het Schrijfcentrum het materiaal mag gebruiken zoals eerder beschreven.
Het gebruik van persoonlijke beelden wordt zowel beheerst door de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) als door de EU-auteursrechtrichtlijn (Richtlijn (EU) 2019/790). Zoals vermeld, kan toestemming op elk moment worden ingetrokken en kunt u verzoeken om toegang tot de opgeslagen beelden/videoclips van de leerling bij het Schrijfcentrum. Verzoeken om toegang tot opgeslagen beelden/videoclips/teksten en intrekking van toestemming moeten schriftelijk worden gericht aan U kunt meer lezen over het Schrijfcentrum op onze pagina’s “Over ons”.
Talbot SNS is participating in the Erasmus+ project ViBes for the 2024-25 school year. The project is coordinated by the National Centre for Writing Education and Research at NTNU’s teacher training programme. Other participants include DCU (Dublin City University), as well as a primary school in Norway and one in Belgium.
As part of this project, students will work in groups to create three vlogs (video blogs) over the school year and exchange these with students at the other schools. The project has several main objectives: to help develop students’ digital skills, serve as an intercultural meeting space, and address questions related to identity and self-presentation in the vlog format. Another goal is to establish sustainable collaborations between universities and schools, as well as between schools in different countries.
In connection with this project, certain materials will be collected to use as documentation for the project’s final report. Examples of such material include:
In addition to using this material to document the Erasmus+ project, the Writing Centre and its partners wish to use some of it for outreach on the centre’s website, in our social media channels, in books, articles, and in projects we contribute to.
The Writing Centre requires consent to use the collected material. Consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time. By signing, the undersigned consents to the student participating in photo/video recordings/text production, and that the Writing Centre may use the material as previously described. The use of personal images is governed both by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and by the EU Copyright Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/790). As mentioned, consent can be withdrawn at any time, and you can request access to see which images/video recordings of the student are stored at the Writing Centre.
Requests for access to stored images/video recordings/texts and withdrawal of consent should be made in writing to You can read more about the Writing Centre on our About Us page in English.
Kattem skole er i skoleåret 2024-25 med i Erasmus+-prosjektet ViBes. Prosjektet koordineres av Nasjonalt senter for skriveopplæring og skriveforsking ved NTNUs lærerutdanning. Andre deltakere i dette prosjektet er DCU (Dublin City University), samt en barneskole i Irland og en i Belgia.
I dette prosjektet skal elevene i grupper lage vlogger (video-blogger) i løpet av skoleåret, og utveksle disse med elevene på de andre skolene. Prosjektet har noen hovedformål, som å bidra til å utvikle elevenes digitale kompetanse, være en interkulturell møteplass og arbeide med spørsmål rundt identitet og selvfremstilling i vlogg-formatet. Prosjektet er også svært relevant med tanke på Melding til Stortinget 34 hvor det etterlyses en mer praktisk skole med metodisk variasjon og økt motivasjon for læring. Et annet formål er å skape bærekraftige samarbeid mellom universitet og skole, og mellom skoler i ulike land.
I forbindelse med dette prosjektet blir det samlet inn en del materiale som skal brukes som dokumentasjon til sluttrapporten av prosjektet. Eksempler på slikt materiale er:
I tillegg til å benytte dette materialet til å dokumentere Erasmus+-prosjektet ønsker Skrivesenteret og samarbeidspartnerne og benytte noe av det i formidling på senterets nettsted, i våre sosiale kanaler, i bøker, artikler og i prosjekter som vi bidrar i. I tillegg er ViBes et forskningsprosjekt og det kommer et eget samtykkeskjema for forskningsdelen av prosjektet.
For å kunne bruke det innsamlede materialet er Skrivesenteret avhengig av samtykke. Samtykke er frivillig og kan når som helst trekkes tilbake. Undertegnede samtykker i at eleven medvirker i foto- / videoopptak / tekstproduksjon, og at Skrivesenteret kan bruke materiellet som tidligere beskrevet. Bruken av personbilder reguleres både av personopplysningsloven og av en bestemmelse i åndsverkloven (åvl § 104). Samtykke kan som sagt når som helst trekkes tilbake, og du kan få innsyn i hvilke bilder-/videoopptak eleven er med i som er lagret ved Skrivesenteret.
Innsyn i lagrede bilder/videoopptak/tekster og tilbaketrekning av samtykke skjer skriftlig til Du kan lese mer om Skrivesenteret på sidene om oss.
Kattem skole is participating in the Erasmus+ project ViBes for the 2024-25 school year. The project is coordinated by the National Centre for Writing Education and Research at NTNU’s teacher training programme. Other participants include DCU (Dublin City University), as well as a primary school in Norway and one in Belgium.
As part of this project, students will work in groups to create three vlogs (video blogs) over the school year and exchange these with students at the other schools. The project has several main objectives: to help develop students’ digital skills, serve as an intercultural meeting space, and address questions related to identity and self-presentation in the vlog format. Another goal is to establish sustainable collaborations between universities and schools, as well as between schools in different countries.
In connection with this project, certain materials will be collected to use as documentation for the project’s final report. Examples of such material include:
In addition to using this material to document the Erasmus+ project, the Writing Centre and its partners wish to use some of it for outreach on the centre’s website, in our social media channels, in books, articles, and in projects we contribute to.
The Writing Centre requires consent to use the collected material. Consent is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time. By signing, the undersigned consents to the student participating in photo/video recordings/text production, and that the Writing Centre may use the material as previously described. The use of personal images is governed both by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and by the EU Copyright Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/790). As mentioned, consent can be withdrawn at any time, and you can request access to see which images/video recordings of the student are stored at the Writing Centre.
Requests for access to stored images/video recordings/texts and withdrawal of consent should be made in writing to You can read more about the Writing Centre on our About Us page in English.
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